Wednesday, October 6, 2010


It looks like we will have babies tomorrow :D I've been in labor (early stage) for the last couple of days now. I'm having contractions but they're not painful. I'm dilated to 3cm but completely effaced. And I won't go into the gross details, but let's just say Piper is making it known to the Dr. that she's ready to come out!! :)

So I go to the hospital at 5:00am tomorrow to start my induction, if my water doesn't break on its own before that, which it very well could.

Can we say anxious?! :D I'm not nervous, it's the waiting part that's getting me. Now that I know it's happening, I just want to get started, lol. But I'm using tonight to wash some baby clothes and bassinet sheets, get the hospital bag together, and then hopefully get some sleep.

Don't fret though, I will be updating from the hospital if I have time! :D

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  1. I saw the title to this post and got all excited!!! I will expect a full update as soon as you can. LOL

    I wish you a safe delivery of your precious girls!

  2. Got your email yesterday, but HAVE to say here how excited I am! I'm thinking of you sooooooo much, Harley! And I am thrilled to pieces for you & your hubby! Will be waiting on pins & needles to see those gorgeous girls! LOVE YOU!

  3. I'm so excited for you, Harley!! I hope everything goes smoothly for you. I can't wait to meet your sweet baby girls. :o)

  4. Oh, Harley!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!! I'm praying for you today!!! I can't WAIT to see them!

  5. Saw the picture you posted, you make a beautiful and happy family... The girls are adorable! Congratulations!!!!


    {Pattie's passion}

    I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!

  6. Yes, at the start you should pick yourself

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