Saturday, November 28, 2009

..geez louise..

I never thought starting my business would take me away from EVERYTHING! :) Can I tell you that I haven't even looked at my Google Reader in two months. I haven't picked up a needle and thread, or some adhesive and scrap paper in two months. But busy with the business means that business is good. And I'm thankful for that, very thankful. Now I'm just interested to see how the holiday season is going to pan out with me being so busy :)

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  1. It is so good to hear your voice again and I am so glad that things are going so well for you!! Marilyn

  2. And I Misssssssssssssssssssssss you big bunches girl! But I know that you're really focused on your sweets *winks*
    Luv ya! You go girl!
    ps- do i need to come over there and bring some needle and thread and sit and sew with you!

  3. GOODNESS! I was just getting ready to send out the Marines to SEARCH for you, lil' Harley! I'm glad you were baking and NOT ill or anything! GREAT NEWS that your business is going so well! BAD news for all of US spoiled brats who MISS YOU!!!! Make sure you find SOME time just for you this holiday season, okay? BIG HUGS!
