Monday, February 23, 2009

..ok, so..

My computer almost died on me. It was on the brink. But my hero hubbo swooped in to the rescue, and saved it. In order to save it though, he had to wipe it out and start all over with new installations. Now, when wiping it out, he didn't touch my main hard drive (whew) so I didn't have to worry about losing anything important. But, with all that, I'm having to slowly reinstall every one of my programs. I just got my printer working again today, but I don't have Photoshop because he has the disk with him... in Detroit... and I'm in Alabama :D

On the upside, my computer is lightning fast! And it doesn't randomly shut down on my anymore. Yay! So since I can't post anything new, I will leave you with hilarious kitteh photoz :D

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

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  1. those cats are so funny. Sometimes you need a good laugh.

  2. That last one got me...LOL! That is so funny!

  3. Your comment cracked me up today! I wish I lived a little further south. I am in Murfreesboro.
