Monday, December 1, 2008

..happy december!..

December 1st... Wow, the months are just ticking by, aren't they? I'm not even going to mention that you only have 24 more shopping days left. Or 23 if you're like me and do part of your celebrating and gift-opening on Christmas Eve. Good thing a lot of people are getting handmade goodies this year, lol.

So J and I woke up to the lovely sight of snow this morning! Woot! Just a lil' bit. Snow makes me happy, because we rarely get it. It snowed twice last year, and didn't stick either time. Of course, it's not snowing anymore now.. and none of it stuck. But it was fun to run around in for about an hour :)

And I'm really wanting to put away all of my pumpkins, and get out all of my Christmas stuff, but the living room is a wreck because of all of the sewing I've been doing lately. I'll be so happy when it's Saturday, and I'm sitting behind my booth at the craft fair. Luckily I can't take my sewing machine with me, or else I'd probably be there sewing more stuff. Oh wait, it is a portable machine.. and they do provide power cords... no! can't do it. Saturday I'm just gonna enjoy myself. Or try to anyway, and hopefully make some money. J keeps asking me why I'm not subbing any this week. I told him I need to spend this week sewing stuff. Plus I have to make a coconut cake for a local Art Center for Thursday. They have their "Trees of Christmas" event every year, and a party to kick it off. And they called and asked if I would donate a cake. When I agreed, I didn't know it was two days before the craft fair. Bleh.

Anyway, off to shower and do a little Christmas shopping before I come back and start stitching. Hope you all have a great Monday, and a wonderful December 1st!

Peace, love and koala fuzz y'all!


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