Thursday, June 23, 2011


Wonder what keeps me from the blog for a few days at a time? Well, besides these two lovely little bugs?

That would be these..

Just a few things I've been up to..

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  1. I confess, I looked at those adorable girls so long I almost forgot to scroll down! WOW! You make BEAUTIFUL cakes, lil' Harley! You're pretty amazing, you know - I mean, you make gorgeous babies AND gorgeous cakes! Not to mention you're a class act, number one SWEETHEART!

  2. Beautiful babies! This is great! By the way... I've nevers seen such cakes. I bet it's hard to make them too.

  3. WOW! Those are some amazing cakes! I love the ones that look like the twins! HAHAHA!!! Kidding! The girls are looking ADORABLE!
